Wednesday, November 07, 2007


  • Conversation with Bette May Diver. Witness to flare sightings on the night of the plane crash.

Bette was driving over the bridge at Glenwilliam at approximately 10 pm when she saw a white light over the mountains North West of Dungog. Her daughter Lyn was lying asleep next to her.She woke her daughter up and said did you see that. The white light seemed to stay up in the sky and then slowly drop and then seemed to "fold into itself". She turned onto Alison road where she could get a clearer view of the night sky. When she and her daughter saw the second white light do exactly the same as the first light.

  • Conversation with Mrs Dell O'hare. Gummi Plain, 12 miles from Hunter Springs

Mrs O'hare was talking to her sister on the phone that night at around 7:00 - 7:30 pm. She heard a roaring of an engine, the sound was oscillating. She looked out her window, the weather was bad that night but there were clear patches. She looked out the window and saw the planes lights. She thought it odd that the plane was going in a direction that planes that usually go overhead dont follow. Her sighting was never investigated by police.