Hi! Nev, Just came back from checking out the object from google earth
at those co-ord's. It's a 8 hr return hike through vines, up & down 2
MOUNTAINS, from the north near the river, but it's not it! It's a LARGE
Granite outcrop, open to the sky & spread out! I have pictures
& video of the object! I still think MDX is east of Craven because
the radar takes us there, the recording takes us there &
time/distance matches.
Rob Campbell
Ps: Happy Hunting?
Tuesday, October 05, 2010
It's not it !
Posted by
Tuesday, October 05, 2010
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15 minutes in , 11 minutes out , who came up with the Sydney radar specs ?
Who drew the lines up and on what information ?
Hi Nev,
I first heard about the missing plane when I was about 12 years old (around 1992)when we used to stay in the old loggers cabbins in the Upper Allyn. I think its great that you are trying to track it down and wish you all the best looking for it.
This old story crosses my mind every few years and this time I have landed on your blog - well done by the way.
I probably should of read every one elses posts before doing my own research, but based on last reported radar location, altitude and approximate speed, I believe that the plane rests East of Craven in the dense forrest. I know the Barrington tops well and I have seen how thick the bush is up there and I agree that there are pleanty of places for a 210 to hide, but I am sceptical after looking at the technicals and in consideration of the historical concentrated searches around the Barrington Tops, I think that East of Craven is the place to be looking.
My in laws are a bunch of Pilots (instructor and commercial)so when I go over there in the next few weeks for dinner, I will ask for their opinion.
Will let you know if anything new comes to light.
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