Friday, September 17, 2010

Google earth

Hi Nev,
I can't see reference to such on your blog re this so I'll just type away...

Google Earth would be a great tool to use in searching for VH-MDX. A long shot given the years of overgrowth that may have occurred but a shot anyway and with hundreds (thousands ?) of armchair spotters eyeballing the area, who knows !.. A major obstacle is the resolution that photos of that area are taken at. Something the size of a Cessna 210 would be hard to spot even if it was sitting in a clearing with the current resolution available. Has anyone approached Google Earth and asked them to set their cameras to max resolution during their next overfly ?. For that matter even the RAAF may be able to take some high res photos of high-probability areas for the same army of armchair spotters to crawl over.

Martin Dalmazzo

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